Examples of fronts showing minor faults.

goodfront3.jpg (6132 bytes)

widefront.jpg (4943 bytes)

Front shows nice curvature of the radius/ulna, but front is lacking in shoulder angulation, due to the shoulder assembly being placed noticeably forward on the rib cage. The indication of this is the lack of prosternum (forechest) and the deepest part of the chest being placed behind the front legs rather than between them.

Front too wide, ribs too round. Front feet are no longer under the front providing support, but are now almost out to the sides. Good bone, feet look o.k.

fiddlefront.jpg (7515 bytes)

femfront10mths.jpg (33985 bytes)

Both dogs above are young males, under a year of age at the time of these photos. Notice how immature they are, and yet they clearly show the correct curvature of radius/ulnas. Note two differences -- rib shape and length of pastern.

Picture right shows the front of immature puppy, as indicated by the growth plates visible at the wrists. However, has well-shaped chest showing correct wrap-around of the forearms and strong, straight pasterns.  Picture right  shows ideal foot turnout for this age.

In making a comparison, the dog to the right has better rib shape and shorter pasterns than the dog left, resulting in more correct turn out -- almost negligible in this young dog.

Dog to the left has shallow ribbing and long pasterns, resulting in an exaggerated turn out even at this age.  A bit weak in pasterns. This dog could end up with too much length of pastern and exaggerated crook as an adult.

Also the forechest on both dogs in photos is slightly lacking in projection, suggesting that the shoulder assemblies are placed a little too far forward on the ribcage.


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