UK Standard, prior to the separation of the two breeds

1928  -  1933

Year 1928, as quoted by Bessie Witheridge 1928, according to D. Edwardes' Record 1933
General appearance The body should measure about one yard from point of nose to tip of tail, the prick ears and sharp eyes giving alert expression of the fox The body should measure about one yard from point of nose to tip of tail, the prick ears and sharp eyes giving alert expression of the fox

In general appearance the Welsh Corgi is a long, low dog of moderate size, with a rounded forehead, large erect ears, sharp watchful eyes, a powerful but tapering muzzle of fair length. A slightly bowed front, ample bone, a long strong and powerful body, with a slight arching of the back above the waist, strong hindquarters, a long tail and a weather resistant coat of hard texture, and c charming characteristic dancing gait to his canter such as may be seen in no other breed. His body length causes him to sit on one hip rather than squarely on his haunches. He may aptly be described as a big little dog with plenty of lung space and depth of body, yet to enable the Corgi to fulfil his natural bent for cattle working he must be built on lines of strength and activity and should be lithe and vividly alive in all his movements, and depth of character and wide capacity for devotion and affection. Unmistakable expression is obtained by his perfect combination of head and muzzle, size, shape, placement and light of eye, correct position and carriage of ears which all combine to give the Corgi that alert intelligent outlook that makes the perfect Corgi one of the most fascinating and satisfying members of the canine race.

Head Foxy in appearance Clean cut head with broad domed skull, pointed nose, long muzzle tapering to a point (of the fox type The skull should be wide between the ears and almost flat, tapering towards the eyes, above which it should be slightly domed.
Muzzle     The muzzle should measure about 3 ins. in length or in proportion to the skull, as 3 to 5. It should be powerful and taper gradually towards the nose, which should be neither blunt nor excessively pointed, but should slope slightly to the mouth.
Teeth Strong. Level. Sound. Nose black Strong, level and sound. Nose black Strong, level and sound
Nose     Black in colour, nostrils of moderate size, slightly projecting.



    Clean cut and strong, of moderate width and depth
Eyes Preferably dark in colour, except in Blue Merles Almond shape preferably dark in colour They should be of medium size, well round, wide set and corners clearly defined, full but not too prominent, preferable dark in colour but clear, possessing plenty of depth, so as to convey the impression of a keen and lively intelligence. Silver eyes are permissible in Blue Merles.
Ears Medium length, to be carried erect Of medium length, to be carried erect, or semi-erect.

Large for the size of dog, slightly rounded at tip, moderately wide at base, carried erect, set fairly high and well back (so that they can be laid flat along the neck). When erect they should tend to slope forward a little.

Neck Should be fairly long with no throatiness, fitting into well sloped shoulders. The neck should be fairly long with no throatiness, fitting into well-sloped shoulders Muscular, well developed, strong, and in proportion to the dog's build.
Shoulders     Strong, muscular, with neat sloping shoulder blades.
Chest     Moderately broad viewed from the front, deep and well let down between forelegs with prominent breast bone.
Front Slightly bowed with broad chest and strong bone. Breast bone prominent Straight with broad chest and strong bone.  
Body Should be long and strong, slightly trucked in waist, well sprung ribs, deep brisket, strong hindquarters. Should be long and strong, slightly tucked in waist, flat ribs and deep brisket. Hindquarters strong with dew claws removed. Long and strong with deep brisket, well sprung ribs, clearly defined waist, and no slackness of loin.
Forelegs     Short, slightly bowed, with strong bone, elbows should lie close to ribs.
Hindquarters     Strong, with well turned stifles, very muscular thighs, sound hocks, well let down, bone to heel short and straight.
Feet Sound and compact well padded, legs short and strong. Dew claws removed The feet should be round, legs short and strong. Rather large, round, compact, and well padded, dew claws removed.
Tail Long Long Moderately long, set on in line with body resembling as much as possible that of a fox.

Short or medium, of hard texture. Colour, any colour except pure white.

Short or medium of hard texture. Colour: Any colour except pure white. Fairly short, dense, and of hard weather resisting texture.

Colour and markings

    Any colour except pure white.
Height Up to 13 inches (Near as possible to 12 ins. Not over 15 inches at shoulder  

20 to 28 lbs. dogs, 18-26 lbs. bitches

(also 18 to 25 lbs. dogs, 15 to 22 lbs. bitches


From 18 to 25 lbs.  
Approx. measurements and weights.    

Height, as near as possible to 12 inches. Weight: Bitches 18 to 25 lbs., 2 lbs. more allowed for dogs. The dog should measure from point of nose to tip of tail a Welsh yard, which is slightly longer than the English yard, from point of nose to stop 3 inches, stop to occipital peak 5 inches. Occipital peak to butt of tail 21 inches, length of tail 9 inches, totalling 38 inches. A dog should measure about 4 inches between the ears, and a bitch 3.75 inches.


Length of head apparently out of proportion to the body, over or undershot mouth, high peaked occiputs, prominent cheeks, low flat forehead. Eyes which give the dog a vacant, foolishly staring or markedly inattentive expression, slit eyes.

Ears: failure to place back properly, failure to carry erect, or unbalanced when erect.

Body: flat sided, short or cobby.

Forelegs: weak long pasterns, out at elbows, overbowed, kneeling over, and crooked forearms. Hindlegs, cow hocked, straight hocks.

Feet: open flat or harefoot.

Tail: short tail, tail curled over back, or twisted on one side.

Coat: a soft, silky, or long wavy coat, or too short.

Colour: pure white a disqualification.



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Standard 1949  - 1987


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