Cardigans in Finland

Cardigans came to Finland much later than Pembrokes which have been very popular here, just like in Great Britain. During the last 15 years new active breeders have taken up the Cardigan and today there is no longer a big difference in the popularity of the two corgi breeds. The overall quality of the Finnish Cardigans is excellent and many dogs have been exported.

In 1970, the first Cardigan from England joined Saga & Antero Lindroos, Sasalu kennels. It was the red/white bitch Dilwel Tonga by Dilwel Regal ex Dilwel Tegwen, breeder Mr & Mrs J.H. Jones. Regal and Tegwen are both by CH Southpark Gerwyn. Tonga later became International and Nordic Champion. At the time she was shown she had no competition. She was not an outstanding bitch and it is difficult to find a good picture of her.

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INT Ch Dilwel Tonga & NORD Ch Castlelack Crescendo

A bit later Sasalu kennels imported a brindle/white male Castlelack Crescendo by CH Roslin Pegasus ex CH Castlelack Jezalin Moon Magic. Crescendo was not shown as much as Tonga but he was an excellent dog and gained the Nordic Champion title. He was used at stud and sired nice puppies. He was also the top winning Cardigan in Finland. Crescendo also had a litter with INT NORD CH Dilwel Tonga.

 Sasalu kennels needed a new bitch, and in 1972 imported Dilwel Saucy Gossip by CH Southpark Gerwyn ex Dilwel Saucy Susan. CH Southpark Gerwyn was behind most Sasalu imports from England. He was a strong male and was a frequently used stud in his home country. Sasalu kennels bred Dilwel Saucy Gossip to Castlelack Crescendo.  

1974: Sasalu kennels imported a brindle/white male Herdens Argus Antonius by Am CH Windsdown of Robgwen ex Apollinaris Carmen. His breeder was Göran Nilsson in Sweden.

 Up till 1981, Sasalu had many litters: Crescendo x Tonga, Herdens Argus Antonius x Dilwel Saucy Gossip, Antonius x Sasalu Aprilia. Aprilia was by Ch Castlelack Crescendo ex Dilwel Saucy Gossip. There were more litters, but not with any new imports. The litter by Crescendo x Tonga contained a nice bitch Sasalu Bronwyn Breeze who became FIN Champion.

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FIN CH Sasalu Bronwyn Breeze 
&  Chou Chaplin

1975: a brindle/white male Chou Chaplin was imported from Sweden. He had a litter with FIN CH Sasalu Amy-Axan in 1982. This was the first litter of Cardigans in Finland that was not from Sasalu kennels; breeder was Aune Kauranen who later got the prefix Cesrose.

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FIN CH Sasalu Amy-Axan
& FIN CH Cardi-Bobbina

1982: Arja Lakanen of Mandylays kennels, imported from Sweden Cardi-Bobbina by Int.&Nord CH Cardax Bobby-Bare ex S CH Cardax Gilda. She was bred by Eva Fernqvist. Cardi-Bobbina gained the FIN CH titel. She went to Sweden to be bred to an English import Int&Nord CH Robgwen Jet Black by GB CH Robgwen Gregson ex Robgwen Black Bess. From that litter one bitch, Mandylays Beauty Lola was Top Junior Cardigan in 1985.

The same year, 1982, Sasalu kennels imported from Ireland a bitch Castlelack Jessy of Towlaught by Joseter Byron ex Moylough Darkie. She was the first Cardigan in Finland from Joseter lines.

1983: a male was imported from Norway, Cardelin's Dancing Dino by N CH Daleviz Monitor ex N CH Daleviz Vaida, breeder Elin & Linn Refset, owner Hannu Melvasalo. Dancing Dino gained the FIN CH titel and was used for breeding.

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FIN CH Eleanora  & FIN CH Eleanora & FIN CH Big-Wood's Adman

Dino's first litter was with Aune Kauranen's FIN CH Sasalu Amy Axan. The only bitch from that litter, Eleanora, became FIN CH. Eleanora was the foundation bitch for Raili Suominen's Big-Wood's kennels. Big-Wood's first litter was born in 1985 by FIN CH Sasalu Amber Apollo ex FIN CH Eleanora. From that litter, the bitch CH Amuse went to Zooparks kennels, owned by Minna Vares. Abigail and Anceliga as well as their brother CH. Adman were used by Big-Wood's kennels.

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FIN CH Castlelack Jessy of Towlaught 
& FIN CH Sasalu Bertil Benjamin

Sasalu kennels had litters out of Castelack Jessy of Towlaugh. They used FIN CH Sasalu Bertil Benjamin (Cardigan of the Year 1982) on her. From that litter, two males, Sasalu Angus Alexis and Amber Apollo gained the FIN CH titel. Apollo was used for breeding. From the litter by FIN CH Sasalu Business Bill ex Castlelack Jessy of Towlaugh came two nice brindle bitches. Sasalu Black Beauty went to Ultima Thulen kennels in the far north of Finland, breeder Veikko and Liisa Pikkupeura. Black Beauty gained the FIN CH title at the age of 15 months. FIN CH Bertil Benjamin and his brother FIN CH Business Bill were by Herdens Argus Antonius ex Sasalu Aprilia. Both owned by Timo Bergman. Bill was the bigger winner and Cardigan of the year 1983 and 1984!

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FIN CH FINW-84-85 NORDW-83 Sasalu Business Bill
& FIN&S CH FINW-86 NORDW-86 Sasalu Black Beauty

Aune Kauranen (Cesrose kennels) had an excellent litter by FIN CH Sasalu Amber Apollo ex FIN CH Sasalu Amy-Axan. The bitches from that litter went to new Cardigan breeders. She kept Gastanja herself, while Gilda was the first Cardigan bitch in Finetail kennels and Gamesome made excellent puppies for Hilkka Jalava's Mandastamm kennels. Gamesome also competed in obedience trials. Geishalook was also used for breeding.

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  FIN&S CH Cardax Naylor

1985: Anneli Ojala of Imago's kennels imported a male, Cardax Naylor, from Sweden. He was bred by Margareta Widin and was sired by Cardelin's Bonnie Barak out of NORD CH Robgwen Cream Cracker (sister of Int. Nord CH Robgwen Jet Black). Naylor was frequently use at stud. His first progeny was with FIN CH Eleonora at Big-Wood's kennel. From this litter the breeder got an excellent bitch, FIN CH Chatelaine and a red male FIN CH Constant Consul.

Naylor was an excellent, strong male and gained his FIN CH title very quickly.

The following year Imago's kennels also imported the sable/white male Cardax Quentin by NORD CH Cardax Jefferin ex S CH Cardi-Corinne.  

1986: The first blue-merle was registered in Finland. It was the bitch Daleviz Silver Star by Gwenlais Caleb at Salroyd ex Rhiwelli Seren Fach of Daleviz. She came from Arthur Bridge (UK). Owner was Aira Lahtinen of Tarex kennels.

1987: Tasakin Kennels imported Cardax Synni-Belle by INT & NORD CH Cardax Mac Redish ex INT CH Antoc Marcasita.

FIN&DK CH Zoopark's Speeder was born in 1987 (FIN&S CH Cardax Naylor x FIN CH Big-Wood's Amuse. He was not only a good show dog. He was the first Cardigan with the official title of tracker dog in Finland and the first who took part in agility trials.

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Daleviz Silver Star 
& FIN CH FINW-90-91 EW-91 Tarex Blue Breezey

1988: the first Finnish blue merle litter saw the light in Tarex kennels. Aira Lahtinen's import Daleviz Silver Star had a litter of 7 puppies with FIN CH Cardelin's Dancing Dino. The star of this litter was definitely FIN CH Tarex Blue Breezey, a blue male who was Finnish Winner 1990 & 1991 and European Winner 1991. He was also top Cardigan in 1991 but was never used at stud. Breezey's sisters went to Mandastamm, Catellus and Seljankan kennels, while his brothers Big Ben and Blue Bodyguard also sired some progeny.

In 1988 Sankt-Cardis Jet Black Ottilie from Denmark, Quantum's Amadeus from Sweden and Willowglen Black Emblem from England were imported. From Sweden came the bitch Smultronbacken's Annwyl by Antoc Mercury ex Cardax Nadja, breeder Ulla & Kenneth Staaf. Päivi Tirkkonen of Seljankan kennels began breeding Cardigans with Annwyl. From these 4 imports only Annwyl gained the FIN CH title and was used for breeding.

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FIN CH Smultronbackens Annwyl 
& FIN CH Cesrose Noela

1989: a total of eight litters were born at Cesrose, Southwood's, Finetail, Mandylay's, Imago's, Ultima Thulen, Big-Wood's and Zooparks kennels and one litter was bred by a breeder without a kennel name.

FIN CH Cardelin's Dancing Dino's and FIN CH Cesrose Gastanja's last daughter FIN CH Cesrose Noela was born in March. Noela was the second foundation bitch of Big-Wood's kennels and was later co-owned by Raili Suominen and Johanna Flinck. Noela's most successful daughter is INT&NORD CH Big-Wood's Qinai Quatincka.

From Imago's litter by FIN CH Cardax Quentin ex Cesrose Karachi, FIN CH Daybreak moved to Big-Wood's kennels, Daystar to Paula Nieminen's Mackinlay's kennels and FIN CH Daylight to Artans kennels owned by Anssi Mäisti & Arto Merivirta. FIN&EST CH Imago's Dancing Tiger, a male from this Quentin x Karachi litter, was used for breeding and became a very successful showdog.

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FIN&EST CH Imago’s Dancing Tiger 
& FIN CH Mandylay’s Funny Flyer

Mandylay's kennels' litter by Ultima Thulen Arctic Fox ex Mandylay's Happy Mint produced a very good sire, FIN CH Mandylay's Funny Flyer.

1990: from The Netherlands a male was imported, First Flock v.d. Veulen Hof by Ermyn Iantos Comedy ex Gwendolyn, bred by U. Bleata, owner Aira Lahtinen, Tarex kennels. Flock did not like shows, but he was an excellent dog and a good sire. Tarex kennels had a litter by Flock ex blue merle Daleviz Silver Star of three tricolor males like the father, and four blue merle bitches like the mother.

Cardelin's Icebreaking Idefix was imported from Norway. He was by N CH Cardelin's Bonnie Beefeater out of Cardelin's Gina. He only sired two litters for Nöhverön kennels, dam of his progeny is FIN CH FinW-91 Seljankan Blue Princess. Their daughter Nöhverön Nelly has succeeded in agility.

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First Flock vd Veulen Hof
& INT&FIN&S&EST CH Jazz Armado’s Rumba

Jazz kennels, owner Eija Kansanaho, had their first litter by an old gentleman, FIN CH Sasalu Amber-Apollo ex FIN CH Mandylay's Happy Hope. That was Apollo's last progeny. From this litter, a brindle male Jazz Armado´s Rumba became the first Finnish bred Cardigan to gain the title of International Champion. Yardican kennels, owners Meri Tuuli Aalto and Tarja Jääskeläinen, got Jazz April in Paris as their first Cardigan and foundation bitch.

Catellus kennel had the first Cardigan litter by Flock ex Tarex Blue Blizzard. From this litter a male Xebec Bluesound and bitch Xamixa Dark Eye were excellent show dogs and gained the FIN CH title.

Mackinlay's kennels, owner Paula Nieminen, also had her first Cardigan litter by Flock ex Big-Wood's Dark Dancer. Of five tricolor puppies one male Mackinlay's Bigshot and one female M. Breakthru have been used in Mackinlay's breeding.

Tasakin kennels had a litter by Flock ex FIN CH Cardax Synni-Belle. From this litter three gained the FIN CH title, the male Bert and the bitches Bianca and Beatrice.

Imago's kennels imported from England a brindle bitch puppy, Kilvewood Best Bib´n Tucker, by Antoc Upper Crust ex Salvenik Summer Rainbow at Kilvewood. Bib´n Tucker's progeny has done a lot for Finnish Cardigan breeding.

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FIN CH Kilvewood Best Bib’n Tucker
& Cardax Vanilla Jubilee

Imago's kennels imported from Sweden the brindle bitch Cardax Vanilla Jubilee, by Nord & S CH Cardax Rhydian ex Grangefield Morwenna.

Also from Sweden Seljankan kennels imported a tricolor male Nickname's Headline to Cardax, by NORD.CH Cardax Jeremy ex S CH Cardax Pollyanna, breeder Carina Sandell-Widin.  Seljankans kennels used him on FIN CH Smultronbacken's Annwyl. From that litter three puppies were used for breeding, the male Capitano and the bitches Chansonette and Miss Charlett.

1990: Big-Wood's kennels had a litter by FIN CH Mandylay's Funny Flyer ex FIN CH Big-Wood's Chatelaine. Two of the bitch puppies, Irish Caramel and Irish Cream, were used for breeding at Gucci's kennels, owner Kari Rantala. The third bitch puppy, Irish Coffee became FIN CH but was never used for breeding.

1991: Mandastamm kennels had a litter of 9 puppies by First Flock v.d. Veulen Hof ex Tarex Big Bertha. One bitch puppy from this litter was INT&FIN&EST CH Ballyhoo, who is one of the top winning Cardigans in Finland and Finnish Winner 1993. Ballyhoo is also the excellent foundation bitch of Geestland's Cardigans, owned by Heli Hirsikangas.

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INT&FIN&EST CH FINW-93 Mandastamm Ballyhoo
& Beckrow Barleycorn

From England to Artans kennels, owners Arto Merivirta and Anssi Maisti, came the brindle male Beckrow Barleycorn, by Gwenlais Ffranc Ffrews ex Beckrow Ballerina Girl, breeder S.Tonkyn. Barleycorn was used twice for breeding.

Häiviän kennels, owner Raili Mäkinen, had their first litter by FIN CH Mandylay's Funny Flyer ex FIN CH Finetail Redolant. From this litter a brindle bitch H. Desiree went to Jaana Juponaho's (Newcard's kennels) and became her foundation bitch. Her brother FIN CH H. Dapper was used for breeding by his breeder.

The interest for Cardigans resulted in many big litters from the dogs mentioned above and others.

In 1992, 100 Cardigans were registered in Finland, and the quality of the breed improved greatly!

Paula Nieminen of Mackinlay´s kennels imported 3 Cardigans from England. A tricolor male Kerman Black Hussar, by Garrets Lord Dance of Kerman ex GB CH Rhiwelli Martha of Kerman, a red brindle male Kentwood Brychan, by Kentwood Madock ex Kentwood Nerys, and a red brindle bitch Salvenik Sea Mermaid, by GB CH Kentwood Elwyn ex Salvenik Seashell. Kentwood Brychan and Salvenik Sea Mermaid gained the FIN CH title.

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FIN CH Kentwood Brychan 
& INT&FIN&EST&S CH Smultronbackens Donovan

Yardican kennels owned by Meri-Tuuli Aalto and Tarja Jääskeläinen imported from Sweden a red male Smultronbacken's Donovan by INT CH Cardax Vivaldi Jubilee ex S CH Smultronbacken's Arabella bred by Ulla Staaf. Donovan was a very influential sire and left many litters. The first Yardican litter was born 1992 by FIN & S CH Cardax Naylor ex Jazz April in Paris. From this litter came FIN CH Yardican Adam of Eden.

Häiviän kennels had a litter by Beckrow Barleycorn ex SF CH Finetail Redolant. From this litter two puppies, the dog Mortti and the bitch Milli became FIN CH and both of them were used for breeding.

6 puppies were born at Seljankan kennels by Nickname's Head Line To Cardax ex Tarex Blue Bess Biret. From this combination INT&FIN&DK CH FINW-2000 Seljankan Celaiya was the most successful not only in shows but also in obedience trials.

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INT&FIN&DK CH FinW-00 Seljankan Celaiya
& INT&Multi CH Imago’s Zuleima

Imago's kennels had a litter by FIN & EST CH Imago's Dancing Tiger ex FIN CH Kilvewood Best Bib´n Tucker. From this litter Zephyr, Zamatha and Zuleima gained champion titles. All bitches in this litter were used for breeding. Imago's kennels co-owned Zuleima with Tuija Ekonen (Big-Deal's kennels) and later she became an International Champion. Zamatha had her litters for Bigitass kennels, owner Birgitta Laukkanen. Zibelline was owned by Häiviän kennels. About the males of this litter: Zephyr was Finnish Winner in 1994 and has sired some well winning progeny. Zorbas has produced one litter for Imago's kennels.

Big-Wood's kennels, with Johanna Flinck's co-operation, had their first litter. FIN CH Ultima Thulen Arctic Dynasty's and FIN CH Cesrose Noela's litter contained three bitch puppies of which Jolly Jojo and Jolly Juno were used later for breeding and both became FIN CHs. 1993: two bitches were imported from Sweden. Quantum's Cha-Cha-Cha went to Yardican kennels and Verdidas Aberdeen to Eva-Len Mattson. Both of them have been used for breeding.

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FIN CH Verdidas Aberdeen & FIN CH Mackinlay’s Rhiwallon

Mackinlay's kennels had a litter by FIN CH Kentwood Brychan ex Imago's Daystar. The brothers Rheinallt and Rhiwallion and sister Rhiannon have all gained their FIN CH title and have been used for breeding.

Catellus kennels bred Kerman Black Hussar to Catellus Xerat Bluebell.

Mandylays kennels had an excellent litter of 8 puppies by INT CH Smultronbacken's Donovan ex FIN & EST CH Mandylay's Cheery Sheree. This litter contained 7 males and one bitch, Elegance, who was BOB at the Norwegian Corgi Speciality and BOS at the Swedish and Finnish Corgi Speciality. The mating was repeated in 1995. CH Isolde went to Sweden to Smultronbacken's kennels and CH Isabeau to Yardican kennels. Also the male Indian has progeny.

1994: Cardigans were still popular with breeders and owners.

4 imports took place. Mandastamm kennels imported from Sweden Diggiz Blackbird, by INT NORD CH Robgwen Jet Black ex CH Cardax Vanessa Jubilee, breeders Josefina and Susanne Karlström. Yardican kennels imported from France a brindle bitch, I'm Love of Saint Hilaires Park. Together with Catellus kennels, Yardican kennels imported the red brindle male Deavitte Oakleaf from England. Oakleaf's sister, Deavitte Oakapple went to Mandylay's kennels. Oakleaf became INT&MULTI CH and Oakapple INT CH and both produced nice progeny. Oakleaf also has champion progeny both in Sweden and Norway.

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INT&MULTI CH Deavitte Oakleaf 
& INT CH Deavitte Oakapple

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I’m Love of Saint Hilaire’s Park 
& FIN CH Geestland’s Arrant Ace

Geestland's kennels had their first litter. A nice litter by Diggiz Blackbird ex INT & FIN & EST CH Mandastamm Ballyhoo. Arrant Ace and Actual Acme gained their FIN CH titles and Active Amity INT & Nord CH. All three were used for breeding.

Yardican's litter by Kerman Black Hussar ex Yardican Angel of Dreams contained 5 tricolor puppies. Dempsey gained the FIN CH titel. Debytant went to France and Dreamer was also sold abroad.

Mackinlays kennels' litter by FIN CH Kentwood Brychan ex Imagos Daystar produced three FIN CHs, Lyneth, Lynwen and Lewys.

Newcard's kennels, owner Jaana Juponaho, had the first litter which contained a single puppy named Newcard's At Last, by FIN CH Tasakin Bert ex Häiviän Desiree. 'At Last' earned both FIN & S CH titles.

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FIN&S CH Newcard's At Last & INT&FIN&LTU&LV&EST CH Imago's For Big Deal

1995: Imago's kennels had a litter by FIN CH Mackinlay's Rheinallt ex FIN CH Kilvewood Best Bib´n Tucker. Their son, Imago's For Big Deal, became INT CH.

Yardican kennels had a litter by Donovan ex Big-Wood's Kind Kismet. Frostflower from this litter was JWW-96 and was the first Finnish Cardigan to win BOB at a Corgi Speciality in Sweden. She became INT CH.

Geestland's kennels had one bitch puppy, Geestland's Balmy Mackinlay, by FIN CH Mackinlay's Rhiwallon ex INT & FIN & EST CH W-93 Mandastamm Ballyhoo. Balmy Mackinlay has been winning both in Group and even BIS-1. She is INT Multi CH and has produced excellent progeny like her mother.

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INT&NORD&EST CH FINW-97 Geestland’s Balmy Mackinlay 
& INT&NORD CH Big-Wood’s Qinai Quatincka

In February, FIN CH Cesrose Noela had a litter with FIN CH Imago'z Zephyr. This litter produced a bitch INT&NORD CH Big-Wood's Qinai Quatincka and a dog NORD CH Queshi Quardian. Both have been used for breeding and Qinai Quatincka has done very well at shows. She has several Group placings and even one Best in Show.

Another Big-Wood's litter was born in August. FIN CH Big-Wood's Jolly Jojo had 4 puppies with FIN CH Geestland's Arrant Ace. From this litter Big-Wood's Roger The Jolly finished his FIN CH title and Rambling Rose has been used for breeding.

Yardican kennels had a litter by INT Multi CH Cardax Vivaldi Jubilee ex Tasakin Carissima. A dog puppy Giovanni became JWW-96 and his brother Globetrotter was sold to France. The next Yardican litter was by INT Multi CH Deavitte Oakleaf ex Jazz April in Paris. Yardican's French import, I'm Love of Saint Hilaires Park, had a litter with INT Multi CH Smultronbacken's Donovan. From this litter a male, Icaros, was WW-98 and INTCH and sisters Ivycrown and Inspiration are both FIN CHs. All three have been used for breeding.

Raili Mäkinen, Häiviän kennels, had two litters. The first by FIN CH Imago's Zephyr ex FIN CH Häiviän Milli and the second by FIN CH Häiviän Dapper ex Imago's Zibelline. From this second litter Häiviän Bonjovi became FIN CH.

Mackinlay's kennels imported a dark brindle male, Grangefield Pride and Joy, by Garrets Special Legend of Grangefield ex Clywedog Naturally Special of Grangefield and Mandylay's kennels imported Cardax Eliza by INT & Nord CH Robgwen Jet Black ex Cardax Beatrice.

Cardigan breeder Doris Düwel, Faydom kennels, moved to Finland from Germany. With her came D&VDH CH Adda vom Galloway Yard, INT& FIN & DK CH Jolly Cardis Dodo My Delight (by INT Multi CH Bymil Black Treacle ex Adda vom Galloway Yard), the red male Jolly Cardis Firecracker (by CH Bymil Black Treacle ex Jezalin Fairy Fox), the tricolour male Hashfan Garcon (Floatin Black Ichdin - DK CH Kersey) and the tricolor bitch Faydom Sparkling Moonstone (by Multi CH Antoc Gregory ex D CH BSG Tuulantei Wendy).

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ashfan Garcon & FIN&EST&S CH Newcard’s Bartender

Newcard's kennels had a litter by FIN CH Geestland's Arrant Ace out of Häiviän Desiree. The dogs Newcard's Bartender, Budweiser and Butch Cassidy became FIN CHs and a bitch, Newcard's Black Pepper, has been used for breeding.

Since 1995 breeding of Cardigans in Finland has progressed. The majority of the dogs used for breeding have been DNA-tested for PRA or are from tested parents. We have found a few PRA carriers. They have not been used for breeding after positive test results. The general state of health of our dogs has been very good. Many young breeders co-operate with each other and across the boarder to the benefit of the breed!

This text is based on the Finnish Welsh Corgi Club’s 25-years jubilee book (1996) and Ritva Raita’s article about Finnish Cardigan Welsh Corgi history (2004). Mrs Raita is a well-known all rounder judge and the foundation member of the Finnish Welsh Corgi Club.  Photos are from the FWCC’s archives, publications or directly from the owners and the breeders.  

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Welsh Corgi registrations with the Finnish Kennel Club 1993-2003

  1993  1994   1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002   2003
Cardigan 88 76 113 129 105 92 79 103 94 98 132
Pembroke 438 302   303 250 182 232 193 176 179 220 222

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The Finnish Welsh Corgi Club

The Finnish Welsh Corgi Club was founded in 1971 and caters for both Cardigan and Pembroke Corgis.

Members: about 600-700

The newsletter called "Corgiset" is published 5 times a year (4 magazines and a year book "Corgiset-Extra")

Finland is a member of FCI

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