The Cardigan Tail

Below some examples of less desirable tailcarriage:

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Faulty because of the long feathering, which would also indicate incorrect "plush" body coat.  Set and carriage cannot be determined


Good tail set, displaying the soft flowing curve over the croup.  This appears to be a long tail, with a curve upward midway at the tail, rather than flowing downward – are we in mid-wag?  Brush appears acceptable

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Tail seems short on this dog with hocks too long.Tail set is low, coming off a somewhat flattened croup and lacks adequate brush. Tailset is high off a flat croup.  The tail is short, however it does display a lovely foxlike brush.

TeaPot - tail

Tail is short and set very high on a short, flat croup and curls over the back.  This is more of a spitz tail and is lacking in Cardigan breed type.

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