Cardigan Ears

BQfacesketch.jpg (15415 bytes)
Dog head

BQlinebitchface.jpg (30741 bytes)
Bitch head

Ideally, when lines are  drawn from tip of nose up through middle of eyes, the tip of ears should fall slightly outside the lines.

Examples of ears considered correct:

ears 2.jpg (5188 bytes)

ears 1.jpg (4595 bytes)

ears.jpg (5856 bytes)


goodears.jpg (4990 bytes)


goodears2.jpg (4907 bytes)

blueears.jpg (5972 bytes)


Examples of ears considered too upright:

CM niarrowearslined 1.jpg (2631 bytes)

CM erectearslined 2.jpg (2662 bytes)

CM tnarrowearslined3.jpg (3803 bytes)

narrowears.jpg (8617 bytes)

Examples of ears considered too wide set:

earswide 1.jpg (5286 bytes)

wideears.jpg (3537 bytes)

wideears2.jpg (6674 bytes)
Pointed ears:

Ears+Pointed.jpg (4849 bytes)

Examples of ears considered too small:

earssmallnarrow.jpg (4793 bytes)


smallears.jpg (3154 bytes)

Small Ears Wide Apart JD.jpg (5173 bytes)
small and wide

Hooded Ears:

Drop ears
(not according to standard):

Hooded Ears JD.jpg (16737 bytes)
ears sloping forward over the head

Drop+ears.jpg (11630 bytes)

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