Cardigan The Bite


UK and FCI standard:

Teeth strong, with scissor bite i.e. Upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

American standard:

Teeth strong and regular. Scissors bite preferred; i.e., inner side of upper incisors fitting closely over outer side of lower incisors. Overshot, undershot, or wry bite are serious faults.


Bites   article by Charles MacInnes


Correct bite, front + side view:

bitescorrect1.jpg (12657 bytes)

bitesfront.jpg (10420 bytes)

scissorbiteside1.jpg (10860 bytes)

scissorbiteside2.jpg (10948 bytes)

scissorbite2.jpg (17112 bytes)

scissorbite1.jpg (22454 bytes)

Level bite:
(sometimes called pincer-bite):

bitesacceptable.jpg (12438 bytes)

Level bite from side.jpg (15884 bytes)

Level bite.jpg (19219 bytes)

Overshot bite:

bitesovershot.jpg (13612 bytes)

overshot+1.jpg (16719 bytes)

overshot+2.jpg (16645 bytes)

overshot+3.jpg (14806 bytes)

Undershot bite:

bitesundershot.jpg (13525 bytes)

Under+bite+2.jpg (25689 bytes)

Under+bite.jpg (23396 bytes)

under bite from side.jpg (24529 bytes)


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